A blog dedicated to the enjoyment and documentation of our playtime outdoors...

Monday, May 9, 2011

A new season...a new blog

For Mother's Day yesterday, my husband gave me the beautiful book 15 Minutes Outside by Rebecca Cohen. I've been trying to get the triplets outdoors regularly now that the weather is gradually warming (although it seems to have snowed last night as we woke up to a bit of frost on the ground...and plants...and in the sandbox). This book is full of 365 ideas for things to do outside with your kids - most of them costing nothing and simple activities that can be done in 15 minutes (for those hard-pressed for time), or which can simply serve as a starting point for hours of outdoor play. After reading a bit of it last night (it has such a lovely cover - I couldn't wait to start reading!), I am feeling motivated to commit to getting the triplets outside EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. - even if there's a rogue snowy day, or torrential rains, or blazing hot sunshine, we are going to do it. And I am going to document it here: what we did, how long we spent outside, what we gained from our time outside that day, and a photo to highlight that day's activity. This new blog is dedicated to the enjoyment and documentation of of our playtime outdoors...let the fun begin!


  1. Awesome! I fully plan to copy some of your outside ideas! :) I have been thinking a lot lately about being intentional with our play time at home- Things like designating certain days for certain things. For example: Monday could be "book day", Tuesday "baking day", Wednesday "Math day", Thursday "Art day" and so on. Even if it means I only spend 30 min on our designated activity, it will help give me focus! :)

  2. Looking forward to seeing your fun times!

  3. oooh I wanna do that too! Except when it's 120.F outside
