A blog dedicated to the enjoyment and documentation of our playtime outdoors...

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Fun in the Sun...and in the Buff!

On Friday (6/3) my friend Lindsey and her 2 year old daughter Lydia came over to play! We sat on the patio and enjoyed muffins and coffee while the little ones played in the grass on their bikes; Gracie spent most of the time watching everyone from her favorite spot in the wagon. It was so nice and sunny that we stayed outside for quite awhile playing Ring Around the Rosy and even tried to teach the kids how to play Duck, Duck, Goose! They sort of got the idea except that whenever someone said "Goose!" they would ALL get up and run around chasing each other:) I had to change Oliver's diaper and decided to let him run around without one on for a bit (which he loved) - and as soon as Lydia saw, she peeled all her clothes off and ran around naked shrieking with delight!

Ollie, Gracie, Lydia, and Audrey

Duck, Duck...


Ring Around the Rosy

Bright blue Bend skies

Riding in the buff

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